Starting the New Year with Managed Care

By admin user

Published on October 6, 2019

In Blog Posts

The holidays have passed and many of use are hard at work on New Year’s Resolutions.

Whatever your personal resolution for 2020, it is vital you include managed care preparedness on your priority list this new year. Health care reform continues to make significant impacts across the spectrum of health care insurance coverages; including changes to commercial benefit plans, individual and small business plans through the Healthcare Exchange, expanded managed care plans for Medicaid beneficiaries, and the continued growth and popularity of Medicare Advantage plans for the Medicare-eligible population.

Many of our clients have difficulty keeping up with the names of plans operating in their areas, much less what is required in order to obtain contracts to participate in these plans. Don’t miss the latest and most important news about managed care and how it effects your patient population. Missing out on managed care plans means missed patient referrals and missed admissions.

If you need support to evaluate and assess your managed care and other third-party contracts, the team of contracting consultants at Cypress is ready to help. We can review your agreements for language and reimbursement terms, helping you to assess your current position and make informed decisions about strategy for future contracting activity.

If you’re ready to clean up your managed care contracts in 2020, we’d love to talk!